Dark Shines > Dark Shines :: Character :: > Our RP rules.

Our RP rules. - Posted By Nick (admin) on 11th Jan 08 at 1:43am
What is the required size for a role play post?

As of now there isn't one. But we do recommend at least a decent size paragraph. Roughly '19650' characters left as it'll state on the 'characters left' section of the topic which you are creating or replying to.

We however do not allow one liners. Besides that all RP is a go how you wish. Please write it as you'd like to read it as well. RP posts like:

*Lilly gone to give Jake a kiss* hi jake *smiles*

Are not recommended and probably will get very few people wanting to reply. A longer more detailed post written neater and clearer may warrant more replies. Such as:

He slipped in mud from the previous night's rain. His face now splattered with mud. He worked his way back to his feet. Brushing some of the thick mud off of his black pants and shirt. Shaking a bit, he begun to feel uncomfortable as his pants and shirt were tight, the moisture of the mud begun to seek through and touch his skin. Groaning he begun running again, but to no where. He lost sight of the note.

Also try your best of allowing another person to "enter" what you're doing. Closing yourself off isn't a good idea.

The above and anything on this page: http://shines.virtualforums.co.uk/?page=laws obey them and you should be fine. ^_^